Monday 10 June 2013

Painting at Patchings with Judi Whitton

I had a lovely day on saturday at the Patchings art, craft & design festival in Nottinghamshire. My husband had been kind enough to treat me to take part in the workshop by Judi Whitton. Judi has a lovely free and loose style of painting that I so admire. I myself am a very precise accurate painter, hence the botanical painting, but I would love to loosen up my style and do more landscape paintings. Judi began the morning by demonstrating her style of painting by showing us how she would approach the painting of a lighthouse. It was then our turn to have a go. We were encouraged to use our own style of painting taking the aspects which suited us from the demonstration. I worked from a photograph of Italy that I had brought with me. Judi uses smooth paper for her work and mixes the paint on the paper. I use smooth paper for my botanical work but had'nt thought to use it for landscapes. I was very pleased with the resulting painting which I finished at home on sunday morning. The workshop was very useful and many thanks to Judi for providing me with an enjoyable mornings painting.


  1. I'd love to be able to paint even half that well, but I find it hard to motivate myself to practise when all I make is a mess.=( At least with stitchery, one can get it right first time!!=)

    1. That is the answer to painting, practise and not being frightened to experiment.
