Saturday 11 July 2015

Peony painting update number three.

Hi, Just a quick update, I have finished the painting of a peony. Overall I am pleased with the completed painting and really enjoyed painting the stems and adding the reddish colour. The leaves took a long time to finish but I think I have achieved enough contrast between the their top and bottom surface. At the moment I am working hard on my dress. So its back to sewing.

Sunday 5 July 2015

Peony painting update number 2

Hi, Lots of things happening here. My son has had his masters results and we are very proud of him. I am still painting the Peony painting. It has taken a lot longer than I expected because I have had a lot of other demands on my time. I want to make my dress for my sons graduation. I have cut the pieces out and now need to get on with the sewing. Today, however, I have given some time to my painting. I have painted all the top surface of the leaves trying to create some shine. I have adjusted the colour with a glaze as they were a little too bright. I have now started working on the backs of the leaves which are a more greyish green than the top surface. I am using the same colour mixes. After I have painted the backs of the leaves I want to add a little red on the leaf edges.