Sunday 14 July 2013

Painting for a friend final update.

The weather is fantastic if a little hot for painting. I have finished painting the Ragged Robin flower as the final stage for my friends painting. Overall I am pleased with the finished results. I spent the last few days painting in the shade at the end of the garden which was very pleasant. I have used Sennelier paints for this project. They are lovely and creamy paints and glide onto the paper. Now I need to select what I will paint next. I feel I would like to paint some more loose and free style paintings to have a break from the controlled work of the botanical painting. On to the next project.

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Painting for a friend update.

The weather is fantastic and it is lovely sitting in the garden having my lunch. Yesterday was a very nice day. I gave a summer school class with nine of my students. We were painting Fuchsias and Pelargoniums and had a lovely enjoyable day. The weather is a little bit hot for painting and I can only paint for the morning in my conservatory but the ragged robin is coming along nicely. I should be able to finish the painting this week. Here are a couple of photos of the painting so far.

Thursday 4 July 2013

Doll clothes to fit Barbie size dolls.

I have been painting today, working on my friends watercolour. Making slow progress. The paint is drying very quickly today so I have now finished. I spent yesterday afternoon making some doll clothes to fit Barbie size dolls. I found this lovely pink patterned fabric in my local fabric shop and could'nt resist. The dresses look lovely and ready for summer. I think the royal blue ribbon adds a nice contrast to the soft pink of the dresses.

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Watercolour for a friend update.

Hi, it has been a busy time this week. My son has returned from Scotland where he has been doing his mapping project for his university Geology course. It is lovely to have him home. I am working hard on my painting and have now completed the Geum rivale leaves. Overall I am pleased with the results. There are always areas I would like to change but that is usual for me and it is the way, I hope, I improve. Now for the sepals and stems.