Monday 28 July 2014

Painting Orchids

I have just finished my painting of an orchid. I loved the colours of this Orchid and thought it would make a lovely painting. Because Orchids have long stems I decided to approach the flower stem and the leaves seperately and overlay the leaves with the flowers. The masking fluid worked well and enabled me to achieve balanced washes across the leaves. I thoroughly enjoyed painting the markings on the petals. Very nice painting project to do.


  1. Your paintings are lovely! How did you learn watercolours, please? It's something that's always on my 'I'd like to...' list.=)

    1. I studied watercolour courses at my local adult education college and then changed to floral and botanical painting. I studied the distance learning course with the Society of Botanical artists and qualified in 2007. I now teach floral and botanical art at my local adult community college. If you have any classes near you have a go its great fun and very rewarding.
