Thursday, 6 March 2014

Embroidery course.

Hi, Very busy week. I have been teaching my watercolour classes and have had great fun. I am working hard at the moment on the wall hanging for my City & Guilds course. I designed the wall hanging a long while ago but now its time to make it. I only really have time at the start of the year as things become more hectic after June. At the same time I am finalising my design, with the help of my tutor, of the 3D item for the course. I still have a few issues to sort out before the design is ready, so watch this space. The wall hanging has a lot of elements to it as can be seen from the first photo. I have made 90 suffolk puffs for the top section and have just completed the tear drop applique shapes. Today I intend to cut out and the fabric for the manipulated triangles and the large teardrops that have to be quilted. Anybody watching the sewing bee, what a fantastic velvet wrap around dress.


  1. I am loving the layers of colours! Also, are the pink glittery dots from a glitter pen? They look awesome :).


    1. Hi Cat. Yes the dots are from fabric paint that comes in a tube. Its like glue with glitter in it really. I still have a lot to do.
      Carol xx

  2. Hey Hey, good old glitter tubes! Can't go wrong with a little bit of glitter. Aww well it looks like it's still going well :).
    Cat xXx

  3. Hi Cat . Its now finished. Now all I have to do is finish seven different types of patch work and design a bag.
    Carol xx.
